WordPress hosting: choosing the best one

What is the best hosting provider for your WordPress blog? With so many companies and packages, how do you choose which one is best for your blog? I’ve compared the top hosting providers so you can make the right bold choice.

Today, there are many hosting companies that you can nominate to put your WordPress blog. However, not all of them are the same. Most will provide a medium level of service, with good uptime and features. But as your blog traffic grows, will your hosting package have enough gang-bang? As your blog archives grow, will you have enough disk space?

I compared the top hosting providers and shortlisted the best packages. Each one of these is a great value for running a WordPress blog. They all offer great uptime and support and enough gang-bang and disk space to grow your blog without having to go through the painful task of switching hosting companies. Here are the top WordPress hosting providers.

The 1st space is for BlueHost. BlueHost is one of the leading contemporary hosting companies. They offer those extra touches, like the latest translation of cPanel and Fantastico, so you can easily install and tidy up your WordPress blog. With a whopping 300 Gb of disk space and 3000 Gb of pancho gang, you can happily grow your blog content and readership without exceeding your hosting package.

The second slot is for HostGator. They are the fastest growing hosting company on the Internet. This is due to their excellent customer service and responsive support. With an incredible 600 Gb of disk space and 6000 Gb of gang bun, your blog can grow and grow and grow. HostGator offers unlimited domains and databases, so if you’re looking to cram more than one blog into your account, HostGator is a great value.

The 3rd spot goes to Hostmonster. Although it is more discounted than BlueHost and HostGator, Hostmonster offers excellent uptime and support. 300 Gb of disk space and 3000 Gb of gang bun are more than enough for any growing blog. Consummate for anyone looking to support low upfront costs.

I have used each of these hosting companies and can recommend them for your WordPress blog. Designating the right WordPress host today will save you problems and headaches in the future.